Sell your Home with an Agency that Consistently Achieves Record Prices in any Market!

Find out How

Why so Many People Sell with Narelle Cordaro and the All Around Realty Team

We know the decision to sell your property, probably your most valuable asset, will be one of the most important decisions in your life. Choosing an agent could be the difference between a good price and a fantastic price. We believe our job is to do more than sell your property. Our job is to deliver a premium price that otherwise may be unobtainable, no matter the market conditions.

Sell with us

Our values:

Everything we do is based on the following values:

  1. 1 Our role is to not just sell your home, it is to help deliver a premium price.
  2. 2 The best price occurs in those first few weeks.
  3. 3 The key foundations to our marketing is to create: high enquiry, engagement and competition.
  4. 4 Deal with all the details and support you from search to sold!

What Our Clients Think

We're dedicated to meeting and exceeding our client's expectations. 
The insights we gain from their thoughts and feedback drive us to continually improve our services. 


Our Sales System

  • Discuss Requirements
  • Learn about your property and what makes it different
  • Learn about your neighbourhood - the personal details
  • Address any concerns buyers may have
  • Organise support to help you get your home ready to sell if needed

You only get one chance to get it right and the best price is normally achieved in the first few weeks. The key foundations in achieving a premium price is generate numerous buyer enquiries, engage them at an emotional level and create a competitive situation. We focus all our attention on achieving the premium price
in this time.

Getting this wrong can mean a difference in price of between $30,000 To $80,000, your property needs to stand out from the rest. You only get one chance to get it right and appeal to a wide range of buyers. Cheap photography (or worse, snapping pics on a phone) will never do it justice nor will doing inspections while the property is looking tired and in need of a clean. We help you deal with all the elements before going to market from maintenance issues to presentation. We have the trades and experts to help you out. Our presentation expert and her advice is free for the clients that choose us.

Choosing the right marketing campaign that reaches all possible local, interstate and passive buyers in the market. We establish a plan that works for you and maximises buyer viewing. Our marketing campaign includes Professional Photography/ Virtual Tour/ Floor Plan/ copywriting/ video/ social media/ brochures/ signboards and premium listings on real estate portals. Also not ensuring that your property reaches everyone looking to buy out there only hurts the amount you receive at the end of the sale. You are not saving money by only listing your property on an agency's website - this will cost you money. Have you seen our social media about our properties, we really are a step ahead.

 Maximising the price is our one goal for you and we are there with you supporting you right through to settlement.